back and forth

2009, where the fuck are the flying cars they promised us decades ago? Or the robots that would do my dishes, my laundry and provide me with interesting new ideas about personal hygiene? Not even Big Brother can see it all, even though we were promised he’d free us of our free will (pun intended) already a quarter of a century ago. 
2008, I was irritated by my erratic reading behaviour this past year, I only finished a handful of books, I started reading in like 20, but gave up after losing the battle with concentration and restlessness. The best books I read and finished last year included: The Sluts (Dennis Cooper), Super-Cannes (JG. Ballard), JPOD, The Gum Thief (Douglas Coupland). And that’s it. I’m reading another Coupland right now, just because I seem to finish all of his novels, I’ll try something a bit more challenging afterwards. Like Stig Dagerman’s Ormen (The snake), one of the books I started in but never finished last year. 
2009. Another year of transition? I should think so, it will consist of getting an idea of what to do after graduation (at Master level, earliest in 2010), checking my options, finding Erik something worthwhile to do. 
2008. Year of engagement. While our engagement ring consists of nothing more than a broken condom (a bit harsh a comparison, I know) it is there nonetheless. And unless I screw it up, it’ll be grand (Since Erik is perfect, I think it is much more likely that I would screw up, though of course we are not considering this to be an option). 
2009. I will turn 26. Someone like Andreas Gursky only graduated when was 32 (and he was so insecure I find him adorable). I suddenly don’t feel pressed. 

One thought on “back and forth

  1. thanks!
    in mijn hoofd ben ik zoveel: herder, boer, schoorsteenveger, straatmadeliefje, enz… De voordelen van schizofrenie 🙂

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